Sunday, June 9, 2013

Hind sight is 20/20

I think I can see !!!!!!!!!!! My hind sight vision is 20/20 professor!

The process:
AH HA, it all makes sense now!  I can't imagine trying to complete this project if I didn't pay attention every week.  Each week's lesson correlated to every assignment and every Pharmasim period.   I think the information provided to us was delivered in a nice flow, building upon itself to ultimately help us complete Pharmasim.

Likes and Dislike- Hmmmm,  do I dare say I didn't like anything for risk of a lower grade.  What the HAY, I'm not scared of you (Harlan) !!! just kidding.

Good vs. Evil
Likes- I really liked the flow of the class as each topic corresponded with a project of move in Pharmasim.  This was a great way for me to not only learn about these marketing strategies in class and readings but to also experience them and learn from those experiences.  Pharmasim ended up being a really fun experience after the intimidation level subsided.  Our first and second Pharmasim lectures were rough though and I thought I was in over my head. But sticking with it Pharmasim became a game and a challenge.  One of the best things I liked about the process was the 'Team" Pharmasim.  I really like to bounce ideas off people and my group really worked well together.

Dislikes- None! HA HA HA.  Okay, I guess I will be honest.  I felt very rushed and stressed these past five weeks. Between full time work, regular homework assignments and our projects I've been a very unpleasant person to be around.  My apologies to my family and friends for my behavior.  I'm not sure how this could have been avoided since we needed to keep learning the information to continue to play Pharamsim.

OH the incidents!!! What a fantastic way to challenge us and to see if we were paying attention in class.  I must say that my group really didn't have to discuss the solutions very long.  We all were on the same page in regards to keeping Allstar honest and  respected by our consumers.


Social media incident: At some point we were faced with bad comments on our website and had several options on how to deal with the problem.  Our group chose to be committed to our customers showing them we cared so we chose the option that states we would check our site often and deal with issues immediately.

After changing the Allround forumulation we had to figure out what to do with the existing stock.  We chose the option to sell it to a competitor at a loss.  This was the only option that was ethical. We all agreed that taking a hit was in this case a good thing if it meant we would be able to stand behind our decision and keep Allstar and  Allround in a positive light.  This decision if brought into the media would not have any damaging effects on our company.

Most important decisions:

So many key decisions have been made in these past few weeks that 'm not sure I can narrow down the most important.  If I had to choose one I would say it was keeping Allround affordable.  Allround has had the market share for all 8  periods now and I believe its success is due to the fact that we offer great promotional deals on top of a great price.  Keeping a close eye on the market/competitors helped us decided when and by how much to raise the price.  I think that Allstar has been very consistent with its pricing and consumers love a bargain.


Most important lesson

Most important lesson I learnt over the semester is how much team work is key.  Without an equally dedicated team I think that these past few weeks would have been awful.  This particular project is meant for many minds to collaborate on.  Being a good team member is as equally important.  Being present in every conversation and decision has been awesome and has made me feel that together we have made it work.

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