Friday, June 14, 2013

Marketing... isn't your like Mama's famous recipe, it's changed.

Explaining the Macro Marketing concepts to my manager.

This is a challenge in itself. Not only is my manager behind the times, I'm not sure he is aware of marketing at all. With this said this would be my plan.

Macro Marketing- the way marketing processes within a society or industry affect and are affected by systems and the society in which they function.
Wow, that's heavy stuff!

First, I would explain what consumer behavior is and how it has shifted, and what that means for marketing. I would paint a picture of today's consumer and their wants, needs and influence over any market. Consumers are in charge. This information hopefully, will enlighten my manager to see that Marketers are now, not only focused on creating a market for their product/business but also developing a customer and trying to retain them. Consumers have influenced all lines of business and with the creation of social media marketers are now able to competing across market lines.

The most dramatic change in marketing in the past years has been the invasion of social media. The second concept I would explain would be the power of social media and how it effects marketing. In today's world social media is the hub of communications and marketing is or has caught on. Marketers have to be savvy and use social media to advertise to, communicate with and research its costumers. I would emphasize that social media is responsible for the consumer being in charge and how business changed to embrace this change. Marketers have now figured out that social media has leveled the playing field. Marketers can reach all ends of the world however, this flat playing filed has also allowed for more competition. This is where creating a customer comes in to play and marketing to them.

Staying up with the times. The last concept I would explain would be like the times business should change. Marketers need to forecast to stay ahead and relevant. The most important concept in business is to remain on top and Marketers have the responsibility to keep its products on top. They need to find a way to stay ahead of the game.
 In summary these key concepts of making a customer and marketing to them with the help of social media will hopefully keep the company making money. The idea of staying ahead through research and forecasting will allow for chances to be taken and battles in the market to be won. *********************************************************************

Schools out for summer!!!

What a long journey this semester turned out to be. I can't say that it was always fun, nor, can I say it was always unpleasant. It was more like a rock in my shoe, cutting into the bottom of my foot and once removed sudden relief. HA HA!

As we say goodbye, I'm wondering, what am I going to do with the hours I used to spend preparing for lectuers, blog and multiple Pharmasim projects? I know!!!! I'll have a life again. No wait, I was wrong we merly have a few days before the next round of graduate classes begin. Oh, it was nice to dream for a moment.

Taking what we've learn and applying it!! What a concept. You mean we actully might use this information someday? Yes! Finally I paid for something that may come in handy down the road.

I will admit this was a challenging course but isn't that what an M.B.A program should offer? I learn several things about myself during this roadtrip called Marketing 640. I can handle anything if I make a timeline/outline for my life and also if I apply myself greatness can be achieved. Well maybe not greatness but I haven't failed out of the program yet.


1 comment:

  1. What an excellent blog post! Clearly a crowning achievement! Great job creating an enjoyable and very readable post.
